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Looking for a job
Mathematics graduate with 10 years of hands-on experience in React, Angular, Node, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, RoR looking for a job as Senior Fullstack Engineer.
Work Experience:
Senior Full Stack Engineer at Rasa (since August 2023)
- Delivered complex features that removed adoption barriers for customers, driving improved product usability and accessibility.
- Designed and implemented an efficient workflow for creating and publishing product documentation, streamlining processes, and reducing the engineering team's workload.
- Mentored junior team members by establishing best practices and development guidelines, fostering skill growth and team effectiveness.
- Participated in the hiring process, contributing to strategic team growth through candidate evaluation and selection.
Frontend Engineer at Rapid (August 2022 – April 2023)
- Implemented a company-wide design system, ensuring consistency and efficiency across all frontend applications.
- Built a VS Code extension showcased in a Microsoft demo, highlighting technical innovation.
- Contributed to the development of an engineering onboarding process, accelerating new hire productivity and integration.
- Enhanced cross-team engineering documentation, improving collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Full Stack Engineer at Spectory (December 2014 – March 2022)
Web (React, Node, Angular, RoR, HTML, CSS), cross platform mobile (Ionic Cordova). What I did:
- Developed products for enterprises as well as startups in different fields (data analysis, healthcare, eCommerce, IoT, etc). Some of my customers: SimilarWeb, Amenity Analytics, YonaLink, Albume.
- Performed as a team leader.
- Engaged in a full range of activities including product design, architecture, development, testing, continuous delivery, writing documentation and release notes, DevOps and support.
- Led the company onboarding for engineers.
- Participated in marketing by writing the company blog.
Co-founder, Product Manager, QA and content manager at Ogoloda.li (2010 – 2014)
Co-founder of a web search application for food recipes, which served more than 4,000,000 users over 4 years. What I did:
- Managed the product.
- UI/UX design.
- Performed tests.
- Oversaw the development process.
- Wrote most of the content and blog.
- Took a lot of nice pictures of food :)
BSc of Mathematics, specialisation Computer Mathematics (2011) in Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia (one of the top ten in the country).
- React
- Node
- Angular
- TypeScript
- PostgreSQL
- GraphQL
- Ruby/RoR
- Git
- Unix
- Heroku
- Circle CI
- Jenkins
- Russian — native
- English — C1
- Hebrew — B2
- German — B1
- I'm a learner and I constantly educate myself on a variety of subjects.
- I write and perform music, I enjoy photography and I like to cook great food.